You can pass some options to the devtools to balance the processing and memory footprint:
import App from 'cerebral'
import Devtools from 'cerebral/devtools'
import main from './main'
let devtools = null
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
devtools = Devtools({
// Connect to Electron debugger (external debugger). It will
// fall back to chrome extension if unable to connect
host: 'localhost:8585',
// By default devtools connects to "ws://". This option should be set to true
// when browser operates on https. Follow debugger instructions for
// further configuration
https: false,
// By default the devtools tries to reconnect
// to debugger when it can not be reached, but
// you can turn it off
reconnect: true,
// Time travel
storeMutations: true,
// Shows a warning when you have components with number of
// state dependencies or signals above the set number
bigComponentsWarning: 5,
// Warnings when passing objects and arrays as props to child
// components. They should rather be connected directly
warnStateProps: true,
// In addition to these basic JavaScript types: Object, Array, String, Number
// and Boolean, types of File, FileList, Blob, ImageData and RegExp is allowed to be stored in state
// tree. You can add additional types if you know what you are doing :)
allowedTypes: [Blob]
const app = App(main, {