
A provider exposes functionality to your actions. Typically to run side effects. Each action has a unique context object where the providers are populated.

This provider is automatically wrapped by the debugger, where available.

export const greetProvider = {
  greet() {
    return 'hello'
import * as providers from './providers'

export default {
  state: {},

You also have access to the context inside your provider. This will allow you to leverage existing providers. The context is exposed as this.context. This keeps the API concise and under the hood we can do prototypal optimizations.

export default {
  triggerSignalOnNativeEvent(event, sequence) {
    window.addEventListener(event, () => {


You can optionally use the Provider factory. It allows you to pass some options related to debugging:

import { Provider } from 'cerebral'

export const myProvider = Provider({}, {
  wrap: false

This provider will not be tracked by debugger. Optionally you can intercept how the provider should work when wrapped by the devtools:

import { Provider } from 'cerebral'

export const myProvider = Provider({}, {
  wrap(context) {
    return {}

A provider can also by defined as a function which receives the current context. This prevents some optimizations, but might be necessary:

export const greetProvider = (context) => {
  return {}