
Angularjs view for Cerebral.


npm install @cerebral/angularjs angular


import angular from 'angular'
import { addModule, connect } from '@cerebral/angularjs'
import App from 'cerebral'


const mainModule = Module({
  state: {
    foo: 'bar'
  sequences: {
    onClick: []
  services: ['MyAngularService']  // main module only. Added as providers with same name

const app = App(mainModule)

angular.module('app', ['cerebral'])
  .config(function (cerebralProvider) {


import angular from 'angular'
import { addModule, connect } from '@cerebral/angularjs'
import { state, sequences } from 'cerebral'

angular.module('app', ['cerebral'])
  .component('myComponent', {
    template: '<div ng-click="$ctrl.click()">{{$ctrl.foo}}</div>',
    controller: connect({
      foo: state`foo`,
      click: sequences`onClick`
    }, 'MyComponent', ['cerebral', function MyController (cerebral) {

      // In some cases you might need access to the cerebral app.
      // You can inject the cerebral angular service and
      // access it's app property anywhere in your app

      // Optionally add custom behaviour to app

Since angular doesn’t expose the component name, you will need to provide one to connect for the component to be given a name in cerebral.

You can call connect in the following ways:

connect(dependencies, name)
connect(dependencies, controller)
connect(dependencies, name, controller)